Division of Graduate Studies

Prospective Students
Graduate School Application
If you are a prospective graduate student, we look forward to welcoming you to Jackson State University. The Division of Graduate Studies’ web site provides information for prospective graduate students regarding our more than 50 graduate programs, application procedures, and other information related to graduate education at Jackson State.If you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the Division of Graduate Studies at (601) 979-2455 or gradtranscript@gabonmagazine.com
- Contact Information for Graduate Degree Programs
- Frequently Asked Questions for Prospective Students
- GRE Prep Course Resource: http://www.reviews.com/gre-prep-courses/
- GraduateSchool4You.com offers free graduate school information.
GradSense is a unique online education platform that provides students with important financial information about the value of pursuing an advanced degree. Based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the National Science Foundation and the National Center for Education Statistics, GradSense was researched, designed and developed by CGS in collaboration with TIAA-CREF. Along with median debt and income data, the GRADSENSE WEBSITE also provides students with loan repayment advice, spending tips, and career guidance.
- An application for admission to Graduate School.
- All applicants must submit one (1) official copy of transcripts from all regionally accredited colleges and universities attended. Students who earned degrees from Jackson State University (JSU) are not required to purchase official JSU transcripts. Official transcripts can be sent electronically using escript, Parchment or another approved electronic provider to gradtranscript@gabonmagazine.com, or by mail to:
- INTERNATIONAL TRANSCRIPTS-Please click this link for additional information and requirements.
- All applicants must submit Immunization Records to: JSU, Health Services Center, P.O. Box 17097, Jackson, MS 39217. Telephone: (601) 979-2260. Click Health Services for more information
- All applicants must submit a $25.00 application fee. Applications will not be processed without payment of the application fee. Payment is made by using a credit/debit card at the time of application. Application payments are processed as part of the application.
- International applicants must submit satisfactory TOEFL or IELTS scores. Click International Graduate Student for more information.
- International applicants must also file a Certified Declaration of Financial Support (Form I-134, Affidavit of Support) with the university. Please consult our International Programs Office for additional information.
Applicants should consult the major department for additional requirements, which may include:
- Three letters of recommendation.
- Standardized test scores
- Special application forms and materials
- Departmental requirements can be found in the Graduate Catalog, on the department’s website.
*Application materials must be submitted directly within the online application. Please review your application for clarity.
Graduate Funding & Financial Aid
Students who wish to apply for graduate student support must be admitted to the Division of Graduate Studies as a degree seeking student and must complete the required application form. Additional information can be found by clicking Graduate Funding & Financial Aid.
Additional Application Material is required for the following programs:
- Executive Ph.D. in Urban Higher Education
- Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work
- Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration
- Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration
- Dr.P.H. in Public Health
- M.P.H. in Public Health
- Doctor of Philosophy in Urban and Regional Planning
- Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration
- Master of Science in Educational Administration & Supervision
- Master of Social Work Program
- Master of Public Policy and Administration (MPPA)
- M.S. in Communicative Disorders
- Ed.D. in Early Childhood Education
- M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling
- Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology
- M.A. in History
- Master of Arts in Urban and Regional Planning
General Application Dates
Fall – March 1 (Priority Deadline)
Summer – March 15 (Priority Deadline)
Spring – October 15 (Priority Deadline)
January 15: Fall Admission
- Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
Fall/ Summer Admission
- Specialist in Education (all concentrations)
March 1: Fall Admission
Ph.D. in Environmental Science
- Ph.D.in Public Administration
- Ph.D. in Ed. Administration
- Ph.D. in Social Work
- Ph.D. in Urban Higher Education (update 11/11)
- Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning
- M.S. in Communicative Disorders
- Master of Social Work (MSW)
- Dr.PH. in Public Health
- M.A. in Sociology
- M.A. in Criminal Justice
- M.A.T. in Teaching (online)
March 15: Fall Admission
- Ph.D. in Business Administration
- Ed.D. in Early Childhood Education
Summer Admission
- MSW (Advanced Standing Program & Parttime)
- M.S. in Educational Admin. and Supervision
Fall and Summer Admissions
- M.S. in Community Counseling
- M.S.Ed in School Counseling
- M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling
Late Applications: Departments vary in their willingness to consider late applications. Some departments adhere strictly to the stated deadlines and will not look at applications that arrive late. Other departments will continue to review applications until all spaces have been filled. In every case, the earlier the Graduate School receives your materials, the better your chances for full consideration.
Exam2Jobs.com. This website contains lots of useful information about various standardized tests like the GRE, GMAT, MAT, LSAT, MCAT, PCAT, and DAT, along with lots of other major tests. The site provides detailed articles describing the different test sections and contains practice tests that follow the official test outline.
- GRE: http://www.exam2jobs.com/gre-test.html
- GMAT: http://www.exam2jobs.com/gmat-test.html
- MAT: http://www.exam2jobs.com/mat-test.html
- LSAT: http://www.exam2jobs.com/lsat-test.html
- MCAT: http://www.exam2jobs.com/mcat-test.html
- PCAT: http://www.exam2jobs.com/pcat-test.html
- DAT: http://www.exam2jobs.com/dat-test.html
Keep up-to-date with all important dates for the current semester at Jackson State University. If you have any questions about the information listed, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you further.